Scripting News for 5/5/2006

Remember the Share Your OPML application that was so popular in 2004 that I had to take it off the air? Well, it’s coming back, and it’s almost ready. We’re testing it with some adventurous souls, over the next few days, and if all goes well, it should be ready to launch early next week. It was a fun thing to have around, and I’m glad it’ll be coming back.  

At least two cool things happened at the Internet Identity conference earlier this week. First there was a very nice dinner on Tuesday night, that ended with a birthday cake, singing of the song and the blowing out of the candles by yours truly. Kaliya Hamlin said “We love you Dave” and you know what, I could feel it. Very nice way to spend a birthday. It was also great to catch up with Doc Searls, Jeremie Miller, Don Park and Mary Hodder. And the second cool thing was that at the OPML & Identity session, we discovered a problem with the ownerId element in OPML 2.0. At first I thought the newbies didn’t understand how OPML works, but it was I who was missing the important bit. Good thing 2.0 is still in its review period! 🙂 

Scoble: “A high percentage of influentials are Firefox users.” 

Microsoft supports RSS.  

If you enjoy sites that make fun of Scientology and Tom Cruise, then this one may be just what you’re looking for! 

9 years ago today: “Everyone you’ve ever known or heard of, everything that’s ever been invented, every story or song that’s been sung, everyone you’ve every loved, everyone who anyone has loved, came from that imperceivable dot that your unaided eye can’t even see.” 

Lance Knobel: “The odd case of Erik Ringmar, a tenured lecturer in government at the London School of Economics, shows that even in liberal societies there are plenty of forces ranged against free speech.” 

Michael Paul Gray: “Is any of this sinking in? Well, if not, then it sucks to be you!” 

The latest header graphic is from a stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway in Saskatchewan. 

2 responses to this post.

  1. Now get those MicroSoft feeds in an OPML directory, be making some more progress.


  2. The Power of OPML Sharing

    If you’ve been tuning into the blogosphere 2.0 for the past 20 hours, you probably will be seeing one phrase/service-name all around you and it’s absolutely hot now. When I say hot, I mean it, with a big capital “H”. And that is…


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