Scripting News for 11/1/2006

My thinking on the options backdating mess has been heavily influenced by Mark Anderson, who runs the Strategic News Service. Mark and I have become friends, at the urging of a mutual friend. He’s a really interesting guy, with a huge and influential following, but almost (until now) no connection with the blogosphere. I spoke at his conference in May, along with Dan Gillmor. I am now on the Advisory Board of SNS, and at our meeting last week in Seattle, I urged Mark and his team to start a weblog, and now they have done so. I think he’ll be an important contributor to the tech blogosphere, and I’m proud to have played a role in helping him get his blog up and running.  

Mark Anderson: “Apple will end up being a model case of how NOT to handle such affairs, and Intellectual Dishonesty will have cost the company more than dishonesty itself.” 

NY Times: “Mr. Bush is inventing a fantasy world in which to campaign on phony issues against fake enemies.” 

UK quiz show: “What XML formatted files are used on web sites to provide machine readable content summaries and are often visuaally marked with an orange box?”  

Michael Markman: “The Bush communications strategy has long been to make up false Democratic positions and then ridicule them.” True true true. And then if the Republicans really wanted to turn things around, they’d tell Bush to go home and shut the door and talk to no one until Wednesday-next. Every time he opens his mouth and gets on TV that keeps the focus on Iraq, and the basic weakness of the Republicans, most of whom are trying to get their constituents to overlook the fact that they’re Republican (or forgive them for it). Famous Democrats should keep baiting Bush, drawing him and Rove out, and let them make the headlines and to remind the voters that we’re just getting deeper into the Bush mess, and we’d better start cleaning it up soon, and no matter how much you like your local Republican incumbent, he’s not very likely to help clean things up as long as Bush is in office.  

PaidContent has the scoop, Daylife will soon announce that the New York Times Company is leading its first round. I am also an investor in Daylife.  

Grace Davis: “I strongly believe that all children under the age of six should have a pair of cowboy boots.” 

Opportunity knocks 

I’m looking to hire a part-time developer, possibly on a venture-development basis (that is, partial or full payment in the form of equity), to work on a series of projects, starting with work on the SYO project (a PHP/MySQL app).

Important qualifications: 1. Professional approach to work. 2. User focus (preferrably someone who uses RSS or OPML-based apps him or herself). 3. Local to the Bay Area (even better if East Bay, and/or near BART). 4. Experience in building commercial quality scalable apps.

I prototype in Frontier, but we will deploy apps in LAMP-based environments (although I’m also interested in commissioning a port of Frontier to Linux). What matters to me in choosing platforms is that the code be maintainable and the environment popular enough so that if we need to grow a devteam it’ll be easy to find the people.

My track record is well-known, I hope, I’ve created many of the apps, formats and protocols that are the basis for what people call “Web 2.0,” in addition to pioneering outlining and presentation software.

I have some more ideas, some quite powerful, imho, and I’m aiming high, I only want to work with great people. I also invest in the people I work with, you’ll learn new skills, and I’m a demanding boss, but if you stick with it, the rewards are great. If you meet most or all of these qualifications, send me an email with a pointer to your resume. Thanks.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by stephen bove on November 1, 2006 at 9:31 am

    Everything thats wrong with the Democratic party is manifest in John Kerry and the remark he made about troops, Iraq, college. High risk, low return. No control. No focused agenda. No strategy. No party coordination. totally infuriating to anyone who wants to see the Republican regime depowered in the upcoming election. He should crawl back home and keep his head down for 10 years for such an f-up. DOES HE WORK FOR ROVE???! HE MIGHT AS WELL.

    I am NOT a Republican, but I cannot, in good concience be a Democrat. They are the WORST poilitical strategists and managers imaginable. They deserve to be taken to the cleaners by the Republicans who at least understand how to fight a good street fight when one is warranted.

    This country needs a new party to challenge the Republicans. It is NOT the libertarians or the greens. It needs a NEW PARTY. Where is James Carville — hes the only non-republican with enough CLUE to do this. The Democrats are as DEAD as the WHIGS.


  2. Stephen: He made a mistake in the statement and anyone listening to the speech would realize that he was talking about the President.

    He also blasted back at the idiots calling him out. What more do you want? I don’t think this is such a big deal, considering the number of troops who have died due to faulty foreign policy and bungled intelligence interpretation – or is this Kerry’s fault too?


  3. I believe I understand your opinion to be Kerry has nothing to apologize for. If my understanding is correct, I respectfully disagree. John Kerry’s comments were both factually incorrect and insensitive.

    Cadets at the military academies are among the brightest young minds in our country. Some of those academy graduates are serving in Iraq. To suggest they are serving because they didn’t academically perform is just plain incorrect.

    And insensitivities should always be viewed, at least in part, from those who say they were offended. Whether they understood correctly or not, service men and women were offended. A few months ago an example about African American people you wrote offended at least one member of that race. Once he pointed that out to you, you apologized. Being insensitive, intentionally or not, usually warrants an apology.

    What is being reported that John Kerry “meant to say,” I agree with completely. But he didn’t say that. Words matter. And he left some important words out. It’s good he apologized. It was warranted. imho.


  4. how can i download my opml file at


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